## version $VER: XX.catalog XX.XX (XX.XX.XX) ## codeset X ## language X MSG_TITLE ; Hotlist MSG_HOTLIST_DESC ; Show user defined file/path hotlist MSG_OK_GAD MSG_CANCEL_GAD ; Cancel MSG_BROWSE_GAD ; Browse MSG_VERSREQ_FMT ; Error: dopus5.library version %u or higher required. MSG_INTERNAL_ERROR ; Internal error! MSG_CONFIGWRITE_ERROR ; Error writting new config file. MSG_CONFIGREAD_ERROR ; Error reading config file. MSG_DEFAULTNAME ; Empty hotlist MSG_DEFAULTPATH ; drop entries here MSG_DELETE_FMT_PLURAL ; Warning: you cannot get back\nwhat you delete! OK to delete:\n\n%d entries from the hotlist? MSG_DELETE_FMT_SINGLE ; Warning: you cannot get back\nwhat you delete! OK to delete:\n\n%d entry from the hotlist? MSG_NAMEFORPATH_FMT ; Enter a name for\n'%s' MSG_NAMEDUPLIC_FMT ; There is already an entry named\n'%s' MSG_PATHFORNEW ; Enter path for new entry MSG_PATHFORRENAME_FMT ; Enter new path for\n'%s' MSG_NAMEFORRENAME_FMT ; Enter new name for\n'%s' MSG_UNSUPPORTED_FMT ; The '%s' command is not\nsupported in hotlists. MSG_NOFILEDROP ; You can only drop paths from the Hotlist\nto other listers. Dropping files doesn't\ndo anything right now. MSG_NOCUSTDROP ; You cannot drop entries between a Hotlist\nand another custom-handler driven lister. MSG_EXECVERS_FMT ; Error: exec.library version %u or higher required. MSG_SEMWAIT ; Config in use, waiting... MSG_NOSIGS ; Error: No free signal bits. MSG_PATHQUERY ; Couldn't query entry's path\nfrom the other Hotlist. MSG_PATHFORNEW_NEW ; Enter path for new entry;\nGive a new filename to create\na new sub-hotlist.